antifascism, connection/community

Intentions for the New Decade


  1. Less sarcasm, more validation 
  2. No platform for white supremacy
  3. Honor personal relationships as the core of our organizing
  4. Let life take twists and turns, as needed
  5. Love
  6. Heal, and get hurt, and heal, and get hurt
  7. Hope beyond hope, with eyes wide open
  8. Read more novels
  9. Dance
  10. Treat people as human
  11. Treat myself as human
  12. Help myself get sleep and rest
  13. Ask for help when I need it
  14. Explore my own vulnerability
  15. Explore my own strength
  16. Go to the ocean
  17. Learn to cook (just kidding)
  18. Always be antifascist

Published by Mimi Arbeit

applied developmental scientist, antifascist community organizer, sexuality educator